Sunday, March 29, 2009

LESSON PLAN (revised)

Topic : Customer Request

Time : 10.00 a.m. – 11.20 a.m. (80 minutes)

Curriculum Specifications : 2.0 Language for Informational Use

2.1 To obtain, process and use information from various

audiovisual and print sources and be able to present the

information in spoken and written form.

Skill : Listening and Speaking

General Objective : To develop students’ ability to understand
conversation about customer complaint and identify the
main ideas.

Specific Learning Outcomes :
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

Orally discuss the topics that can be related to the picture
about customer complaint within 5 minutes.

Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answers
based on the conversations within 15 minutes.

Write a brief dialogue between a student and a Chief
librarian regarding the poor service offered by the
school library within 10 minutes.

Moral values : Co-operation, friendship, and organization.

Stage : Pre-listening
Time : 20 minutes
Aid : Slideshow presentation

1. Teacher starts the lesson by sharing about her dissatisfaction about the poor service at the cafeteria.

2. Students are instructed as follows:

i. Watch the picture of customer complaint on the slideshow.

ii.Orally give their ideas about the main ideas of the picture.

3. Teacher asks the students if they understand the instructions.

4. Students give their feedback.

5. Teacher displays the slideshow to the students.

6. Students give their ideas about possible topic of the picture.

7. Teacher responds to the answers given by the students.

8. Teacher writes students’ answers in point form on the board.

9. Teacher relates the activity with what will be taught afterward.


1. To attract students’ attention towards the lesson.
2. To activate the right schemata.


Teacher displays another picture and asks the students to write about the main ideas of the picture, individually. The answers will be discussed in the next class.

Stage : While-listening
Time : 40 minutes
Aid : Software on listening

1. Students are instructed as follows:

· Listen to a conversation in a classroom about a customer request.
· Read all the questions on the website before listening to the conversation.
· The conversation from the software will be played twice.

1st Time

Students are asked to listen to the conversation and answer the questions. If the students fail to answer any of the questions, leave the questions and move to the next question.

2nd Time

Students listen to the conversation again and complete the tasks which they have skipped in the first listening.

2. Teacher asks the students whether they understand the instructions or not.

3. Students give their feedback.

4. Teacher provides several minutes for the students to read the questions from the site. (See appendix 1).

5. Teacher plays the conversation from the software.

6. Students try to answer the questions in a piece of paper.

7. Teacher plays the conversation from the software once again for second listening.

8. Students check their answers and complete the tasks which they have skipped.

9. Teacher sets the students into groups of 3 and asks them to discuss the answers.

10. Teacher selects the students randomly to read the answers.

11. Teacher teaches the students how to get the correct answers by using cue words.

12. Teacher discusses the answers with the whole class.


1. To permit students to understand the conversation.
2. To enable students to identify the important details.
3. To enable students to identify words and expressions used in making complaints.


At this stage, students are required to answer the questions displayed from the software. All of the questions are based from the conversation in the software. If students manage to answer most of the questions correctly, it shows that students have grasped the main ideas from the conversation.

Stage : Post-listening
Time : 20 minutes
Aid : Worksheet 1 (Appendix 1)

1. Students are instructed as follows;

i. Get into pairs.

ii. Write a brief dialogue between a student and School Chief Librarian regarding the poor services offered .

iii. They are given 10 minutes to complete the tasks.

2. Teacher asks the students if they understand the instructions.

3. Students give their feedback.

4. Teacher distributes the worksheet.

5. Students write the dialogue in pairs.

6. Teacher randomly asks several students to act out their dialogue in front of the class.

7. Teacher corrects serious errors made by the students, for example in pronunciation, sentence structure and word choice.

Rationale :

To enable students to use the correct forms and functions in order to express their dissatisfaction.

Appendix 1

Questions from the software

1. What did the woman receive as a gift?
2. What kind of gift was it?
3. Why does she not want it?
4. Why can’t she get her money back?
5. What can she do with it?
6. What would she like?
7. What kind of handbag would she like?
8. What kind of handbag is she looking for?
9. Where is the handbag that she likes?
10. What is the problem with the handbag she likes?
11. What can she have instead of a refund?
12. Who would she like to speak to?
13. What does the man think the manager will say?
14. Where has the manager been?

Appendix 2 (Post-Listening)

Worksheet 1

Imagine yourself as a student and your partner as a school Chief Librarian, and you are not satisfied with the services offered by the school library. Write a brief dialogue between you and the school Chief Librarian about the problem. How are you going to write the dialogue? Remember that you need to act it out .

You may include these points in your dialogue :

· What are the problems faced in the school library?
· How does the schools’ Chief Librarian reacts to the problem
· How can the school library improves its services?


First of all, Dr. Rozina has commented that there are some grammatical errors in our original lesson plan. The time allocated for the whole lesson plan is said to be too short, which is 40 minutes. Thus, we have doubled the time to 80 minutes in the revised lesson plan. We have changed the topic of the lesson plan from “Customer Complaint” to “Customer Request”. This is because, the whole conversation in the software is about requesting something, instead of complaining. Other than that, the evaluation part is missing. We have divided our original lesson plan into three stages or activities but it is only at the 3rd stage, which is the post-listening stage that we provide the students with exercises. In the improvised version of the lesson plan, we have added two more exercises at the end of each activity, which is in the first activity, the pre-listening and the second activity, the while-listening. Besides the evaluation part, our original lesson plan is too detail that in the while-listening stage, the instructions given are redundant and confusing. For the improvement, we have edited and paraphrase the instructions.