Sunday, March 29, 2009



CMC assignment is one of the toughest assignments after the creation of blog. As I am not the IT savvy, I have some difficulties in searching the suitable and reliable journal article for this assignment. I thanked my Communication friend, Diana who introduced me the easy way to search for journal article on CMC. I just need to search using search engine, Google by key-in CMc. However, it is quite tough for me as our section was assigned to analyze on Synchronous CMC article. I am quite disappointed at first when I looked at the topic.

However, I’ve changed my perception towards this assignment as I realized that Dr. Rozina did this for our good. I faced difficulty at first when I cannot distinguish between the reliable and unreliable sources from the Internet. But this does not stop me from searching for the articles. I got migraine and sleepless night in a way to complete the assignment.

After the article was approved by Dr. Rozina, here comes the headache! I don’t really know where to start. I could not understand the article after second reading. I gave up after third reading and decided to sleep. I thought that I can forget all the miseries but it becomes worst. I wake up and start reading it all over again. This is not an easy task as I need to summarized the 29 pages article and makes it into 3 pages long! It struck me the most as I am not expert in summarizing the article.

The second part of the assignment is a BIG challenge for me. I need to find a chatting transcript of 3 pages long and have to analyze it into 1 page. It was tough to find a reliable chatting transcript as many of the transcripts I found were talking about unnecessary things like sex, porn, and using so many harsh words. However, I managed to find one transcript which talk about something that I like, which is sports. I decided to analyze the transcript as it uses many register or jargon that are aliens to the readers.

In brief, this assignment has provided me with extra knowledge and information about computers and technology. There were so many alien terms occurred throughout my journey of completing this assignment. This assignment and this course has teach me to be more patience and considerate. It also exposed me with a new information about communication via computer.