Sunday, March 29, 2009



This assignment has given us insights on how a lesson or a skill should be taught and how a classroom should actually be conducted. We as BENL students have not been exposed to the teaching skills as much as the ones learnt by the TESL students. The preparation of this lesson plan has somehow enlightened us on the most fundamental procedure that should be done before a real teaching is actually conducted. Lesson plan does not only lay out all the activities that are taking place but also prepares the teachers for better flow of teaching.

In completing this assignment, we have gained better exposure to the technologies, specifically on how to use certain software as teaching and learning tools. Many have been so religiously accustomed to the traditional way of teaching yet not gained so much of positive outcomes from their lesson teaching. We have seen that the role of multimedia has become significant in today’s everyone’s daily routine. Thus, the use of anything computer-driven in teaching should bring more positive outcome as it suits the interest of many people specifically the students.

This assignment also provides us with preparations in facing the real teaching scenario and in dealing with the academic community. We have learnt that teaching is not just a matter of conveying what you have to teach in class but also an event that needs to be planned well for the purpose of accomplishment of needs for both teachers and students. In planning the lesson, teachers do not only consider what they want to do, but also what the students should need from the lesson.

Apart from gaining practical knowledge of this assignment, it also teaches us how to synthesize different ideas from different group members. Every group member seems to come up with a lot of ideas although the other group member might have the total opposites. Gratefully, tolerance has made this assignment completed with success since every idea produced is considered with thorough and careful thought.


The target students in this lesson plan will also benefit well. They will gain better exposure to the use of computer in their language learning, specifically English. Students will be better equipped with the use of technologies such as online learning, and the use of audio-visual. These technologies assist them in acquiring language skills, specifically listening skill.

The teaching method is very interactive, allowing both the students and the teacher to exchange information and experience. Most of the activities involve two-way communication that helps the students to improve their understanding of the subject. Other than that, it polishes up their level of confidence especially in expressing their thoughts.

In the process of acquiring the skills, students develop their abilities in critical and analytical thinking. The activities require students not to just merely listen to the conversation played, but they have to think of the correct answers and grasp the main ideas of the conversation at the same time. Given the tasks, students will be more participative and active in class rather than just receiving the information and input.